Opening hours

We update our open hours on our Facebook site

Notify our breakfast is served 7.30-10.00 a.m. local time. 


Restaurant is open during the season April, May, June, July, August and September
serving à la carte, Pizza from the house own bakery, Day specials fish, meat and chicken, Special meny for Kids.

Please you can Follow us on Facebook too. Our opening hours will be there.
The menu will change during the low season.

Please call us +358 (0) 18 38447  to reserve a table and get information of our opening hours during the season (April/May/June/July/August/September).

Restaurang is open in  Winter Season from October 2023 -March 2024 for groups.

During the early season January - March -April we serve meals for preordered groups and again the late
from October to the end of the year.

Open for groups, birthday parties and events other times by agreement.

Our meals are made of pure Finnish and local raw produce.

Enjoy our Harvest festival every day of the year in September !

We keep the right for the meny changes during the season period.